I'm a Jimmy Buffet fan and mention him off and on in the "Penumbra Database," the first in a series of the Corey Pearson- CIA Spymaster in the Florida Keys and Caribbean spy series . Below is a mention of Jimmy Buckett's past life, when he first started out singing in Key West. A CIA safe house blends in to the homes on Eaton Street. It's a scene from the "Penumbra Database" where General Morrison walks from the safe house to the Turtle Kraal, his favorite eating place in Key West's Historic Seaport District. His counterintelligence (CI) teams protect him along the way: "As Morrison strolled further down Margaret Street toward Harpoon Harry’s, he felt regret for not telling Corey about the San Francisco CBIF safe house. Through the CSS business, he instructed BHH to attempt to breach Cheng’s MIT computer in Cambridge, Massachusetts and to devise new firewalls to patch up any cyber weaknesses in its de...